
Welcome to the Diamant Tools website! Diamant Tools are professional tools developed by Rich Diamant, Principal Artist at Riot Games.

Diamant Tools are currently being used by professionals at top companies such as Blizzard Entertainment, Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, Valve, Bungie, Crytek, and many others!


Check out the products page for more information on the various tools!

UPDATE: DTools 1.54 is Now Available! 2017 and 2018 support along with some bug fixes and new tools in the Modeling Companion! New Tools include:

UNBEVEL: You can now unbevel edges to get back to the same volume prior to a bevel.

SET EDGE LENGTH: You can now select a bunch of edges and set its length in world space.

SMOOTH EDGES ON A CURVE: You can select a bunch of edges and smooth them automatically using a “curve”. It can create even spaces as well to make your modeling a bit more organic, with quick curve smoothing after.

Check out the documentation for examples!

UPDATE: DTools 1.5 Now Available! 2016 support. This version is a free upgrade from older versions. Fully reworked UI. New Custom Modeling Menus! Click the image below to view the new modeling features in action.


UPDATE: DTools 1.1 Released with DTools Modeling Companion. Click the image below to watch a video showing off some of the new tools in action.


2 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Adrian

    Hi Rich,

    I remember seeing in an older video (possibly demonstrating key aspects of the Uncharted 3 pipeline) which showed you taking 2 separate heads with the same vertex count and transferring the vertex ID numbers from one to the other. This was to allow each character’s head to share a universal facial rig.

    Is that vertex ID transfer tool part of your Diamant Tools plugin?


    1. admin Post author

      yes it is! its the button called transfer in the trasnfer tab. the help documentation should help with the use! let me know if you have any questions or problems


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